Enhanced Time Processor Unit

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Enhanced Time Processor Unit

Enhanced Time Processor Unit

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  • General Timing Functions
    • Full Featured and Synchronized PWM, Input Capture/Output Compare (Protected Output Compare), Pulse and Frequency Measurement, Pulse/Period Accumulate, Stepper Motor, Queued Output Match for Complex Outputs, GPIO
  • Communication Functions
    • SPI, UART, UART with Flow Control, plus Proprietary Protocols
  • Motor Control Functions
    • Stepper Motor, DC Motor, Brushless DC Motor, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, and AC Induction Motor (including speed control), Current Control, Vector Control techniques
  • Engine Control Functions
    • Engine Position, Spark and Dwell Time, Angle Toggle, Speed Measurement, Knock Window, Angle Toggle
  • Event triggered RISC like processor and timer subsystem
  • Up to 32 channels per module, with the possibility of multiple modules per device
  • Double Action hardware timer channels (Input Capture/Output Compare)
  • 24-bit hardware timer resolution
  • Up to 64K bytes of code memory and 4K bytes data memory (actual amount implemented varies by product)
  • Flexible allocation of data memory per function
  • Angle mode support (provide angle reference for engine and motor control applications
  • DMA and interrupt request support
  • Debug support

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Y true 0 SSPeTPUen 49 Application Note Application Note t789 43 Application Note Software Application Note Software t783 1 Reference Manual Reference Manual t877 2 User Guide User Guide t792 3 en_US en_US en Reference Manual Reference Manual 2 1 0 English This document describes features which have been implemented on eTPU2 and which are additional features over eTPU. This document should be read in conjunction with NXP document ETPURM, Enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU) Preliminary Reference Manual, which is available from nxp.com. All of the eTPU2 features have been implemented in such a way that legacy object code (for both the host and eTPU microcode) will run on eTPU2 without modification. 1265324050199707759852 SSP 904.4 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1265324050199707759852 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/ETPURMAD.pdf 904364 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/ETPURMAD.pdf ETPURMAD documents Y N 2016-10-31 eTPU Addendum - Reference Manual /webapp/Download?colCode=ETPURMAD /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/ETPURMAD.pdf Reference Manual N 500633505221135046 2022-12-07 pdf Y en Feb 4, 2010 500633505221135046 Reference Manual Y N eTPU Addendum - Reference Manual 2 1 English This document describes the functionality of the Enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU), an intelligent, semi-autonomous coprocessor for timing control. 1084827788850731814185 SSP 11.1 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1084827788850731814185 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/ETPURM.pdf 11088611 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/ETPURM.pdf ETPURM documents Y N 2016-10-31 Enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU) Reference Manual /webapp/Download?colCode=ETPURM /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/ETPURM.pdf Reference Manual N 500633505221135046 2022-12-07 pdf Y en May 17, 2004 500633505221135046 Reference Manual Y N Enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU) Reference Manual Application Note Application Note 43 3 2 English Introducing the Enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU), a programmable I/O controller with its core and memory system, allowing it to perform complex timing and I/O management independent of the CPU. The eTPU module is a peripheral for MPC5500, MPC5600, and MPC5700 MCUs. 1401472399679707471263 SSP 848.6 KB None None documents None 1401472399679707471263 /docs/en/application-note/AN4907.pdf 848560 /docs/en/application-note/AN4907.pdf AN4907 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN4907: Engine Control eTPU Library – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN4907.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4907.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jan 21, 2016 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN4907: Engine Control eTPU Library – Application Note 4 2 English Providing simple C interface routines to the Enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU) module, a programmable I/O controller with its core and memory system, allowing it to perform complex timing and I/O management independently of the CPU. 1124382519027719887488 SSP 182.5 KB None None documents None 1124382519027719887488 /docs/en/application-note/AN2864.pdf 182506 /docs/en/application-note/AN2864.pdf AN2864 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN2864: General C Functions for the eTPU – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN2864.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2864.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Sep 8, 2015 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN2864: General C Functions for the eTPU – Application Note 5 1 English Demonstrating a typical usage of all the Engine Control eTPU Library functions, API calls, initialization, run-time control, and monitoring of MPC5674F. 1409131041313716658636 SSP 1.7 MB None None documents None 1409131041313716658636 /docs/en/application-note/AN4908.pdf 1663262 /docs/en/application-note/AN4908.pdf AN4908 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN4908: Engine Control eTPU Demo Application – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN4908.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4908.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Aug 4, 2015 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN4908: Engine Control eTPU Demo Application – Application Note 6 0 English AN4687SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN4687SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN4687SW.zip AN4687: Generating PWM Signal usingeTPU Graphical Configuration Tool (GCT) 1362065762982715856681 SSP 438.8 KB None None documents None 1362065762982715856681 /docs/en/application-note/AN4687.pdf 438786 /docs/en/application-note/AN4687.pdf AN4687 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN4687, Generating PWM Signal usingeTPU Graphical Configuration Tool (GCT) - Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN4687.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4687.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Feb 28, 2013 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN4687, Generating PWM Signal usingeTPU Graphical Configuration Tool (GCT) - Application Note 7 1 English AN2968SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2968SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2968SW&appType=license&docLang=en This application note provides a description of the AC motor control eTPU function set. 1149712803598709344187 SSP 772.7 KB None None documents None 1149712803598709344187 /docs/en/application-note/AN2968.pdf 772739 /docs/en/application-note/AN2968.pdf AN2968 documents N N 2016-10-31 Using the AC Motor Control eTPU Function Set (set4) /docs/en/application-note/AN2968.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2968.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en May 10, 2012 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Using the AC Motor Control eTPU Function Set (set4) 8 2 English AN2972SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2972SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2972SW&appType=license&docLang=en AN2972: The permanent magnet synchronous motor vector control (PMSMVC) enhanced time processor unit (eTPU) function is one of the functions included in the AC motor control eTPU function set (set4). This eTPU application note provides simple C interface routines to the PMSMVC eTPU function. The routines are targeted at the MCF523x, MPC5500, and MPC5600 families of devices, but they can easily be used with any device that has an eTPU. 1131137810004714009869 SSP 650.5 KB None None documents None 1131137810004714009869 /docs/en/application-note/AN2972.pdf 650491 /docs/en/application-note/AN2972.pdf AN2972 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN2972, Using the PMSM Vector Control eTPU Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN2972.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2972.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en May 10, 2012 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN2972, Using the PMSM Vector Control eTPU Function - Application Notes 9 1 English AN3206SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN3206SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN3206SW&appType=license&docLang=en This application note describes the design of a 3-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) speed and torque vector control drive based on Our PowerPC MPC5500 microprocessor. 1149712365029734720945 SSP 1.7 MB None None documents None 1149712365029734720945 /docs/en/application-note/AN3206.pdf 1695278 /docs/en/application-note/AN3206.pdf AN3206 documents N N 2016-10-31 Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 /docs/en/application-note/AN3206.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3206.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en May 10, 2012 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 10 2 English AN2843SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2843SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2843SW_SC&appType=license&docLang=en The Speed Controller (SC) Enhanced Time Processor Unit finction, one of the functions in the motor-control set of the eTPU functions. The application note provides simple C interface routines to the SC eTPU finction. 1101228369455714062405 SSP 274.7 KB None None documents None 1101228369455714062405 /docs/en/application-note/AN2843.pdf 274725 /docs/en/application-note/AN2843.pdf AN2843 documents N N 2016-10-31 Using the Speed Controller (SC) eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN2843.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2843.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en May 10, 2012 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Using the Speed Controller (SC) eTPU Function 11 0 English AN4480SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN4480SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN4480SW.zip AN4480: This application note describes the design of a 3-phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) speed and torque vector control drive based on NXP’s Power Architecture MPC5500 microprocessor. The application design takes advantage of the enhanced time processing unit (eTPU) module, which is used as a motor control co-processor. Covers MPC5500, MPC5600, and all eTPU-equipped devices. 1337098744024732522415 SSP 1.9 MB None None documents None 1337098744024732522415 /docs/en/application-note/AN4480.pdf 1932421 /docs/en/application-note/AN4480.pdf AN4480 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN4480, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Resolver, Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN4480.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4480.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Mar 6, 2012 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN4480, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Resolver, Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 - Application Notes 12 0 English AN3943SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN3943SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN3943SW.zip AN3943: The resolver driver (RSLV) enhanced time processor unit (eTPU) is a motor control utility aimed at providing a software interface to the resolver hardware. This application note describes briefly the theoretical background, details of implementation and C Level API, and presents two application examples. The presented utility is targeted at the MPC5500 family of devices. 1254747233458706914629 SSP 665.5 KB None None documents None 1254747233458706914629 /docs/en/application-note/AN3943.pdf 665509 /docs/en/application-note/AN3943.pdf AN3943 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN3943, Using the Resolver Interface eTPU Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN3943.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3943.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Oct 5, 2009 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN3943, Using the Resolver Interface eTPU Function - Application Notes 13 0 English This application note is intended to accompany the simple C interface functions for the eTPU SPARK function used as part of the complete eTPU Set 2 automotive function set. These functions can be used on any NXP product that has an eTPU module. Example code is available for the MPC55xx and MPC563xM devices. This application note must be read in conjunction with application note AN2864—General C Functions for the eTPU and application note AN3768 — eTPU Automotive Function Set (Set 2). 1248986415373722662457 SSP 142.0 KB None None documents None 1248986415373722662457 /docs/en/application-note/AN3771.pdf 142008 /docs/en/application-note/AN3771.pdf AN3771 documents N N 2016-10-31 Using the eTPU Spark Function /docs/en/application-note/AN3771.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3771.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jul 30, 2009 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Using the eTPU Spark Function 14 0 English AN3769SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN3769SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN3769SW.zip Describing the simple C interface functions to CRANK and CAM eTPU functions. These functions can be used on any product that has an eTPU module. Example code is available for the MPC5633M device. 1244484639908714159643 SSP 832.2 KB None None documents None 1244484639908714159643 /docs/en/application-note/AN3769.pdf 832183 /docs/en/application-note/AN3769.pdf AN3769 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN3769: Using the Engine Position (CRANK and CAM) eTPU Functions – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN3769.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3769.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jun 8, 2009 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN3769: Using the Engine Position (CRANK and CAM) eTPU Functions – Application Note 15 0 English AN3772SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN3772SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN3772SW.zip AN3772: This application note provides simple C interface functions for the automotive knock window function used as part of the complete eTPU Set 2 Automotive Function Set. The functions can be used on any NXP product that has an eTPU module. Example code is available for MPC55xx and MPC563xM devices. 1242765331387722421689 SSP 117.0 KB None None documents None 1242765331387722421689 /docs/en/application-note/AN3772.pdf 116974 /docs/en/application-note/AN3772.pdf AN3772 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN3772, Using the Knock Window eTPU Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN3772.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3772.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en May 19, 2009 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN3772, Using the Knock Window eTPU Function - Application Notes 16 0 English AN3770SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN3770SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN3770SW.zip AN3770: This application note provides a simple C interface for the FUEL eTPU function used as part of the complete eTPU Set 2 Automotive Function Set. The functions can be used on any NXP product that has an enhanced time processor unit (eTPU) module. Example code is available for MPC55xx and MPC563xM devices. 1239949867294722007215 SSP 216.5 KB None None documents None 1239949867294722007215 /docs/en/application-note/AN3770.pdf 216527 /docs/en/application-note/AN3770.pdf AN3770 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN3770, Using the FUEL eTPU Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN3770.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3770.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Apr 16, 2009 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN3770, Using the FUEL eTPU Function - Application Notes 17 1 English AN2854SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN2854SW.zip /webapp/sps/download/license.jsp?colCode=AN2854SW&docLang=en AN2854: This application note is intended to describe simple C interface routines to the synchronized pulse-width modulation (SPWM) eTPU function. The function can be used on any product that has an eTPU module. Example code is available for the MPC5554 device. The synchronized pulse-width modulation function generates a pulse-width modulated (PWM) waveform in which the CPU can change the period or high time at any time. 1155329841096723298147 SSP 242.7 KB None None documents None 1155329841096723298147 /docs/en/application-note/AN2854.pdf 242699 /docs/en/application-note/AN2854.pdf AN2854 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN2854, Using the Synchronized Pulse-Width Modulation eTPU Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN2854.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2854.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Oct 9, 2008 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN2854, Using the Synchronized Pulse-Width Modulation eTPU Function - Application Notes 18 1.0 English This application note can help the microcontroller systems engineer design and implement the code for the Enhanced Time Processor Unit; discusses how to avoid common problems. 1096469664549720915415 SSP 659.2 KB None None documents None 1096469664549720915415 /docs/en/application-note/AN2848.pdf 659211 /docs/en/application-note/AN2848.pdf AN2848 documents N N 2016-10-31 Programming the eTPU /docs/en/application-note/AN2848.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2848.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Aug 20, 2008 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Programming the eTPU 19 0 English AN2863SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2863SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2863SW&appType=license&docLang=en AN2863: This application note complements AN2863SW to describe the enhanced time processing unit (eTPU) general function set (Set 1). AN2863SW contains the binary image of the eTPU code, source code, and the interface files for the function application programming interfaces (APIs). Functions available are GPIO, PWM, IC, OC, FPM, PPA, UART, QOM, SM, SPI, SPWM, and test, which are discussed in this application note. 1197359055161718561463 SSP 124.3 KB None None documents None 1197359055161718561463 /docs/en/application-note/AN2863.pdf 124330 /docs/en/application-note/AN2863.pdf AN2863 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN2863, eTPU General Function Set (Set 1) - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN2863.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2863.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Dec 10, 2007 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN2863, eTPU General Function Set (Set 1) - Application Notes 20 0 English AN2849: This application note provides simple C interface routines for the enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU) PWM function. These routines can be can be used on any device that includes an eTPU module. The PWM function generates output pulses according to a set of parameters (frequency, duty cycle, and polarity), without CPU intervention. 1195731735270709270642 SSP 124.7 KB None None documents None 1195731735270709270642 /docs/en/application-note/AN2849.pdf 124748 /docs/en/application-note/AN2849.pdf AN2849 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN2849, Using the eTPU Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN2849.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2849.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Nov 22, 2007 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN2849, Using the eTPU Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Function - Application Notes 21 0 English AN2858SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2858SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2858SW&appType=license&docLang=en This eTPU application note describes the functionality of the Period and Pulse Accumulator (PPA) eTPU function and the usage of the C interface routines for initializing and retrieving results from the timing function. 1193743996019707017800 SSP 143.6 KB None None documents None 1193743996019707017800 /docs/en/application-note/AN2858.pdf 143573 /docs/en/application-note/AN2858.pdf AN2858 documents N N 2016-10-31 Period and Pulse Accumulator (PPA) eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN2858.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2858.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Oct 30, 2007 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Period and Pulse Accumulator (PPA) eTPU Function 22 0 English AN2851SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2851SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2851SW_IC_21&appType=license&docLang=en AN2851: This eTPU Input Capture (IC) application note provides simple C routines to interface to the IC eTPU function. These routines can be used on any product that has an eTPU module. Example code is available for the MPC5554 device. This application note should be read in conjunction with application note AN2864, ?General C Functions for the eTPU.? 1188403311440705772673 SSP 89.2 KB None None documents None 1188403311440705772673 /docs/en/application-note/AN2851.pdf 89162 /docs/en/application-note/AN2851.pdf AN2851 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN2851, Using the eTPU Input Capture Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN2851.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2851.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Aug 29, 2007 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN2851, Using the eTPU Input Capture Function - Application Notes 23 2 English This application note discusses the enhanced Time
Processing Unit (eTPU), hardware and software of the
host interface, and describes the software integration. 1092681165093712592907 SSP 193.2 KB None None documents None 1092681165093712592907 /docs/en/application-note/AN2821.pdf 193189 /docs/en/application-note/AN2821.pdf AN2821 documents N N 2016-10-31 eTPU Host Interface /docs/en/application-note/AN2821.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2821.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Aug 14, 2007 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N eTPU Host Interface 24 0 English ETPU_CEA709_SET.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/ETPU_CEA709_SET.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/ETPU_CEA709_SET.zip The CEA709 Enhanced Time Processor Unit (eTPU) function serves as a 78.125 kbit/s ANSI/EIA/CEA 709.1 Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer. This function is intended to be used with the ANSI/EIA/CEA 709.1 protocol software developed by Domologic and targeted at NXP’s 32-bit ColdFire controller MCF5235. Then, the MCF5235 can serve as an ASNI/EIA/CEA 709.1 LonTalk® compatible communication node. This application note provides simple C interface routines to the CEA709 eTPU function. These routines 1183995242311713735923 SSP 441.6 KB None None documents None 1183995242311713735923 /docs/en/application-note/AN3379.pdf 441580 /docs/en/application-note/AN3379.pdf AN3379 documents N N 2016-10-31 Using the CEA709 eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN3379.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3379.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jul 9, 2007 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Using the CEA709 eTPU Function 25 0 English This application note describes the design of a 3-phase AC induction motor drive with open loop Volts per Hertz control, which is based on Our MCF523x microcontroller. 1149712361293698564676 SSP 1.7 MB None None documents None 1149712361293698564676 /docs/en/application-note/AN3000.pdf 1714589 /docs/en/application-note/AN3000.pdf AN3000 documents N N 2016-10-31 AC Induction Motor Volts per Hertz Control, Driven by eTPU on MCF523x /docs/en/application-note/AN3000.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3000.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jun 7, 2006 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AC Induction Motor Volts per Hertz Control, Driven by eTPU on MCF523x 26 0 English This application note describes the design of a 3-phase AC induction motor (ACIM) speed and torque vector control drive based on Our PowerPC MPC5500 microprocessor. 1149712357564724873053 SSP 1.9 MB None None documents None 1149712357564724873053 /docs/en/application-note/AN3001.pdf 1925828 /docs/en/application-note/AN3001.pdf AN3001 documents N N 2016-10-31 AC Induction Motor Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 /docs/en/application-note/AN3001.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3001.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jun 7, 2006 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AC Induction Motor Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 27 0 English AN3205SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN3205SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN3205SW&appType=license&docLang=en This application note describes the design of a 3-phase AC induction motor (ACIM) speed closed loop Volts per Hertz control drive based on Our PowerPC MPC5500 microprocessor. 1149712368748721519374 SSP 4.1 MB None None documents None 1149712368748721519374 /docs/en/application-note/AN3205.pdf 4061985 /docs/en/application-note/AN3205.pdf AN3205 documents N N 2016-10-31 AC Induction Motor Volts per Hertz Control with Speed Closed Loop, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 /docs/en/application-note/AN3205.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3205.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jun 7, 2006 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AC Induction Motor Volts per Hertz Control with Speed Closed Loop, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 28 1 English AN3006SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN3006SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN3006SW&appType=license&docLang=en This application note describes the design of a 3-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive based on NXPs PowerPC MPC5554 microcontroller. 1123859090461711709358 SSP 1.6 MB None None documents None 1123859090461711709358 /docs/en/application-note/AN3006.pdf 1577703 /docs/en/application-note/AN3006.pdf AN3006 documents N N 2016-10-31 BLDC Motor with Hall Sensors and Speed Closed Loop, driven by eTPU on MPC5554 /docs/en/application-note/AN3006.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3006.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en May 3, 2006 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N BLDC Motor with Hall Sensors and Speed Closed Loop, driven by eTPU on MPC5554 29 1 English AN2958SW_DCMOTORSET.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2958SW_DCMOTORSET.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2958SW_DCMOTORSET&appType=license&docLang=en AN2958: The enhanced time processing unit (eTPU) is a programmable I/O controller with its own core and memory system, allowing it to perform complex timing and I/O management independently of the CPU. The eTPU module is a peripheral for new 32-bit devices on the industrial and automotive markets (currently, the ColdFire MCF523x and PowerPC MPC5500 families). 1117828100579718814593 SSP 436.6 KB None None documents None 1117828100579718814593 /docs/en/application-note/AN2958.pdf 436601 /docs/en/application-note/AN2958.pdf AN2958 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN2958, Using the DC Motor Control eTPU Function Set (set3) - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN2958.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2958.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en May 3, 2006 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN2958, Using the DC Motor Control eTPU Function Set (set3) - Application Notes 30 1 English AN3005SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN3005SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN3005SW&appType=license&docLang=en AN3005: This application note describes the design of a 3-phase Brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive based on NXP?s PowerPC MPC5554 microcontroller. The application design takes advantage of the Enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU) module, which is used as a motor control co-processor. The eTPU completely handles the motor control processing. 1123859083802732255187 SSP 1.8 MB None None documents None 1123859083802732255187 /docs/en/application-note/AN3005.pdf 1758457 /docs/en/application-note/AN3005.pdf AN3005 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN3005, BLDC Motor with Quadrature Encoder and Speed Closed Loop, Driven by eTPU on MPC5554 - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN3005.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3005.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en May 3, 2006 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN3005, BLDC Motor with Quadrature Encoder and Speed Closed Loop, Driven by eTPU on MPC5554 - Application Notes 31 1 English AN3007SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN3007SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN3007SW&appType=license&docLang=en This application note describes the design of a 3-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive based on NXPs PowerPC MPC5554 microcontroller. 1123859097183706425317 SSP 1.7 MB None None documents None 1123859097183706425317 /docs/en/application-note/AN3007.pdf 1685230 /docs/en/application-note/AN3007.pdf AN3007 documents N N 2016-10-31 BLDC Motor with Speed Closed Loop and DC-Bus Break Controller, driven by eTPU on MPC5554 /docs/en/application-note/AN3007.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3007.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en May 3, 2006 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N BLDC Motor with Speed Closed Loop and DC-Bus Break Controller, driven by eTPU on MPC5554 32 1 English AN3008SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN3008SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN3008SW&appType=license&docLang=en This application note describes the design of a DC motor drive based on NXPs PowerPC MPC5554 microcontroller. 1123859103837708180368 SSP 1.6 MB None None documents None 1123859103837708180368 /docs/en/application-note/AN3008.pdf 1626058 /docs/en/application-note/AN3008.pdf AN3008 documents N N 2016-10-31 DC Motor with Speed and Current Closed Loops, Driven by eTPU on MPC5554 /docs/en/application-note/AN3008.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3008.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en May 3, 2006 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N DC Motor with Speed and Current Closed Loops, Driven by eTPU on MPC5554 33 2 English AN2971SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2971SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2971SW_ACIMVHZ&appType=license&docLang=en The ACIM volts per hertz (ACIMVHZ) enhanced time processor unit (eTPU) function is one of the functions included in the AC motor control eTPU function set (set4). This application note is intended to provide simple C interface routines to the ACIMVHZ eTPU function. 1124912296719719643105 SSP 332.1 KB None None documents None 1124912296719719643105 /docs/en/application-note/AN2971.pdf 332139 /docs/en/application-note/AN2971.pdf AN2971 documents N N 2016-10-31 Using the ACIM Volts per Hertz (ACIMVHZ) eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN2971.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2971.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Apr 20, 2006 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Using the ACIM Volts per Hertz (ACIMVHZ) eTPU Function 34 0 English AN3002SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN3002SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN3002SW&appType=license&docLang=en This application note describes the design of a 3-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) speed and torque vector control drive based on NXPs ColdFire MCF523x microprocessor. 1131137921153682530814 SSP 1.4 MB None None documents None 1131137921153682530814 /docs/en/application-note/AN3002.pdf 1398612 /docs/en/application-note/AN3002.pdf AN3002 documents N N 2016-10-31 Permanent Magnet Synchonous Motor Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MCF523x /docs/en/application-note/AN3002.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3002.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Oct 4, 2005 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Permanent Magnet Synchonous Motor Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MCF523x 35 2 English AN2948SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2948SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2948SW&appType=license&docLang=en This application note describes the designs of multiple 3-phase Brushless DC (BLDC) motors driven by Our ColdFire MCF523x microprocessor. 1108659648956691904957 SSP 2.0 MB None None documents None 1108659648956691904957 /docs/en/application-note/AN2948.pdf 2036228 /docs/en/application-note/AN2948.pdf AN2948 documents N N 2016-10-31 Three 3-Phase BLDC Motors with Speed Closed Loop, driven by eTPU on MCF523x /docs/en/application-note/AN2948.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2948.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Sep 1, 2005 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Three 3-Phase BLDC Motors with Speed Closed Loop, driven by eTPU on MCF523x 36 0 English AN2954SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2954SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2954SW&appType=license&docLang=en This application note describes the design of a 3-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive based on NXPs ColdFire MCF523x microprocessor. 1119978377646727090399 SSP 1.8 MB None None documents None 1119978377646727090399 /docs/en/application-note/AN2954.pdf 1781583 /docs/en/application-note/AN2954.pdf AN2954 documents N N 2016-10-31 BLDC Motor with Speed Closed Loop and DC-Bus Break Controller, driven by eTPU on MCF523x /docs/en/application-note/AN2954.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2954.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jun 28, 2005 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N BLDC Motor with Speed Closed Loop and DC-Bus Break Controller, driven by eTPU on MCF523x 37 0 English AN2955SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2955SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2955SW&appType=license&docLang=en This application note describes the design of a DC motor drive based on NXPs ColdFire MCF523x microprocessor. 1119978384357706027081 SSP 1.7 MB None None documents None 1119978384357706027081 /docs/en/application-note/AN2955.pdf 1676108 /docs/en/application-note/AN2955.pdf AN2955 documents N N 2016-10-31 DC Motor with Speed and Current Closed Loops, driven by eTPU on MCF523x /docs/en/application-note/AN2955.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2955.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jun 28, 2005 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N DC Motor with Speed and Current Closed Loops, driven by eTPU on MCF523x 38 0 English AN2957SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2957SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2957SW&appType=license&docLang=en This application note describes the design of a 3-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive based on NXPs ColdFire MCF523x microprocessor. 1119978391059710994120 SSP 1.9 MB None None documents None 1119978391059710994120 /docs/en/application-note/AN2957.pdf 1930395 /docs/en/application-note/AN2957.pdf AN2957 documents N N 2016-10-31 BLDC Motor with Quadrature Encoder and Speed Closed Loop, Driven by eTPU on MCF523x /docs/en/application-note/AN2957.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2957.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jun 28, 2005 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N BLDC Motor with Quadrature Encoder and Speed Closed Loop, Driven by eTPU on MCF523x 39 0 English AN2850: The enhanced time processor unite (eTPU) general purpose input/output (GPIO) application note describes a set of simple C interface routines to the GPIO eTPU function. The example code provided in this document was written for the MPC5554 device. The GPIO functions allow the user to configure an eTPU channel as an input or output. 1119541822441716024191 SSP 90.9 KB None None documents None 1119541822441716024191 /docs/en/application-note/AN2850.pdf 90865 /docs/en/application-note/AN2850.pdf AN2850 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN2850, Using the General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) eTPU Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN2850.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2850.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jun 23, 2005 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN2850, Using the General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) eTPU Function - Application Notes 40 0 English AN2852SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2852SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2852SW_OC&appType=license&docLang=en Simple C interface routines to the OC eTPU function. 1118248199214709721034 SSP 145.4 KB None None documents None 1118248199214709721034 /docs/en/application-note/AN2852.pdf 145418 /docs/en/application-note/AN2852.pdf AN2852 documents N N 2016-10-31 Using the Output Compare (OC) eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN2852.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2852.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jun 8, 2005 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Using the Output Compare (OC) eTPU Function 41 1 English AN2892SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2892SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2892SW&appType=license&docLang=en This application note describes the design of a 3-phase Brushless DV (BLDC) motor drive based on Our ColdFire MCF523x microprocessor. 1108659655870719955143 SSP 1.6 MB None None documents None 1108659655870719955143 /docs/en/application-note/AN2892.pdf 1618874 /docs/en/application-note/AN2892.pdf AN2892 documents N N 2016-10-31 3-Phase BLDC Motor with Speed Closed Loop, driven by eTPU on MCF523x /docs/en/application-note/AN2892.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2892.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jun 5, 2005 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N 3-Phase BLDC Motor with Speed Closed Loop, driven by eTPU on MCF523x 42 0 English AN2844SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2844SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2844SW_CC&appType=license&docLang=en This application note is intended to provide simple C interface routines to the CC eTPU function. The routines are targeted at the MCF523x and MPC5500 families of devices, but they could be easily used with any device that has an eTPU. 1113505178239713547816 SSP 245.3 KB None None documents None 1113505178239713547816 /docs/en/application-note/AN2844.pdf 245289 /docs/en/application-note/AN2844.pdf AN2844 documents N N 2016-10-31 Using the Current Controller (CC) eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN2844.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2844.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Apr 14, 2005 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Using the Current Controller (CC) eTPU Function 43 0 English AN2845SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2845SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2845SW_BC&appType=license&docLang=en This application note is intended to provide simple C interface routines to the BC eTPU function. The routines are targeted at the MCF523x and MPC5500 families of devices, but they could be easily used with any device that has an eTPU. 1113505180171723954836 SSP 628.8 KB None None documents None 1113505180171723954836 /docs/en/application-note/AN2845.pdf 628844 /docs/en/application-note/AN2845.pdf AN2845 documents N N 2016-10-31 Using the Break Controller (BC) eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN2845.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2845.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Apr 14, 2005 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Using the Break Controller (BC) eTPU Function 44 1 English AN2840SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2840SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2840SW_DCMCPWM&docLang=en Simple C interface routines to the PWMMDC, PWMF, and PWMC eTPU functions. The routines are targeted at the MCF523x and MPC5500 families of devices, but they could be easily used with any device that has an eTPU. 1101227654803716831629 SSP 750.5 KB None None documents None 1101227654803716831629 /docs/en/application-note/AN2840.pdf 750452 /docs/en/application-note/AN2840.pdf AN2840 documents N N 2016-10-31 Using the DC Motor Control PWM eTPU Functions /docs/en/application-note/AN2840.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2840.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Apr 11, 2005 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Using the DC Motor Control PWM eTPU Functions 45 0 English AN2857SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN2857SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN2857SW_QOM&appType=license&docLang=en eTPU Queued Output Match (QOM) application note provides simple C interface routines to the QOM eTPU function. 1101154493526713660645 SSP 642.6 KB None None documents None 1101154493526713660645 /docs/en/application-note/AN2857.pdf 642607 /docs/en/application-note/AN2857.pdf AN2857 documents N N 2016-10-31 Using the Queued Output Match (QOM) eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN2857.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN2857.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Nov 22, 2004 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Using the Queued Output Match (QOM) eTPU Function User Guide User Guide 3 46 0 English This document describes the Angle Clock feature of the Enhanced Time Processor Unit and offers practical advise on the application and use of this feature. The note assumes a familiarity with the eTPU and the eTPU_C language used in the Byte Craft compiler. Code examples presented below are taken from a Reference design which is available from your NXP representative. 1099692657812704939078 SSP 720.5 KB None None documents None 1099692657812704939078 /docs/en/user-guide/AN2897.pdf 720456 /docs/en/user-guide/AN2897.pdf AN2897 documents N N 2016-10-31 Using the eTPU Angle Clock /docs/en/user-guide/AN2897.pdf /docs/en/user-guide/AN2897.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2023-06-19 pdf N en Nov 5, 2006 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N Using the eTPU Angle Clock 47 0 English Describes the architecture of the eTPU channel hardware and how the action units can be configures to meet system requirements and accurately controlled for flawless operation. 1103226762114741089091 SSP 907.7 KB None None documents None 1103226762114741089091 /docs/en/user-guide/AN2933.pdf 907695 /docs/en/user-guide/AN2933.pdf AN2933 documents N N 2016-10-31 Understanding the eTPU Channel Hardware /docs/en/user-guide/AN2933.pdf /docs/en/user-guide/AN2933.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2023-06-19 pdf N en Dec 16, 2004 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N Understanding the eTPU Channel Hardware 48 1 English TECD 8.5x11 Looseleaf Document Template 1086624911475714081887 SSP 141.1 KB None None documents None 1086624911475714081887 /docs/en/user-guide/AN2353.pdf 141116 /docs/en/user-guide/AN2353.pdf AN2353 documents N N 2016-10-31 The Essentials of Enhanced Time Processing Unit /docs/en/user-guide/AN2353.pdf /docs/en/user-guide/AN2353.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2022-12-07 pdf N en Aug 12, 2004 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N The Essentials of Enhanced Time Processing Unit Application Note Software Application Note Software 1 49 0 English Generating PWM Signal using eTPU Graphical Configuration Tool (GCT) application example 1362582616878711855252 SSP 402.8 KB None None documents None 1362582616878711855252 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN4687SW.zip 402778 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN4687SW.zip AN4687SW documents N N 2016-10-31 AN4687SW, Generating PWM Signal usingeTPU Graphical Configuration Tool (GCT) application example - Application Note Software /docs/en/application-note-software/AN4687SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN4687SW.zip Application Note Software N 789425793691620447 2022-12-07 zip N en Mar 6, 2013 789425793691620447 Application Note Software Y N AN4687SW, Generating PWM Signal usingeTPU Graphical Configuration Tool (GCT) application example - Application Note Software false 0 eTPU downloads en true 1 Y SSP Application Note 43 /docs/en/application-note/AN4907.pdf 2016-10-31 1401472399679707471263 SSP 3 Jan 21, 2016 Application Note Introducing the Enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU), a programmable I/O controller with its core and memory system, allowing it to perform complex timing and I/O management independent of the CPU. The eTPU module is a peripheral for MPC5500, MPC5600, and MPC5700 MCUs. None /docs/en/application-note/AN4907.pdf English documents 848560 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN4907.pdf AN4907: Engine Control eTPU Library – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN4907.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 2 N N AN4907: Engine Control eTPU Library – Application Note 848.6 KB AN4907 N 1401472399679707471263 /docs/en/application-note/AN2864.pdf 2016-10-31 1124382519027719887488 SSP 4 Sep 8, 2015 Application Note Providing simple C interface routines to the Enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU) module, a programmable I/O controller with its core and memory system, allowing it to perform complex timing and I/O management independently of the CPU. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2864.pdf English documents 182506 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2864.pdf AN2864: General C Functions for the eTPU – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN2864.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 2 N N AN2864: General C Functions for the eTPU – Application Note 182.5 KB AN2864 N 1124382519027719887488 /docs/en/application-note/AN4908.pdf 2016-10-31 1409131041313716658636 SSP 5 Aug 4, 2015 Application Note Demonstrating a typical usage of all the Engine Control eTPU Library functions, API calls, initialization, run-time control, and monitoring of MPC5674F. None /docs/en/application-note/AN4908.pdf English documents 1663262 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN4908.pdf AN4908: Engine Control eTPU Demo Application – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN4908.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N AN4908: Engine Control eTPU Demo Application – Application Note 1.7 MB AN4908 N 1409131041313716658636 /docs/en/application-note/AN4687.pdf 2016-10-31 1362065762982715856681 SSP 6 Feb 28, 2013 Application Note AN4687: Generating PWM Signal usingeTPU Graphical Configuration Tool (GCT) None /docs/en/application-note/AN4687.pdf English documents 438786 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN4687.pdf AN4687, Generating PWM Signal usingeTPU Graphical Configuration Tool (GCT) - Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN4687.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN4687, Generating PWM Signal usingeTPU Graphical Configuration Tool (GCT) - Application Note 438.8 KB AN4687 N 1362065762982715856681 /docs/en/application-note/AN2968.pdf 2016-10-31 1149712803598709344187 SSP 7 May 10, 2012 Application Note This application note provides a description of the AC motor control eTPU function set. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2968.pdf English documents 772739 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2968.pdf Using the AC Motor Control eTPU Function Set (set4) /docs/en/application-note/AN2968.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N Using the AC Motor Control eTPU Function Set (set4) 772.7 KB AN2968 N 1149712803598709344187 /docs/en/application-note/AN2972.pdf 2016-10-31 1131137810004714009869 SSP 8 May 10, 2012 Application Note AN2972: The permanent magnet synchronous motor vector control (PMSMVC) enhanced time processor unit (eTPU) function is one of the functions included in the AC motor control eTPU function set (set4). This eTPU application note provides simple C interface routines to the PMSMVC eTPU function. The routines are targeted at the MCF523x, MPC5500, and MPC5600 families of devices, but they can easily be used with any device that has an eTPU. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2972.pdf English documents 650491 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2972.pdf AN2972, Using the PMSM Vector Control eTPU Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN2972.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 2 N N AN2972, Using the PMSM Vector Control eTPU Function - Application Notes 650.5 KB AN2972 N 1131137810004714009869 /docs/en/application-note/AN3206.pdf 2016-10-31 1149712365029734720945 SSP 9 May 10, 2012 Application Note This application note describes the design of a 3-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) speed and torque vector control drive based on Our PowerPC MPC5500 microprocessor. None /docs/en/application-note/AN3206.pdf English documents 1695278 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3206.pdf Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 /docs/en/application-note/AN3206.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 1.7 MB AN3206 N 1149712365029734720945 /docs/en/application-note/AN2843.pdf 2016-10-31 1101228369455714062405 SSP 10 May 10, 2012 Application Note The Speed Controller (SC) Enhanced Time Processor Unit finction, one of the functions in the motor-control set of the eTPU functions. The application note provides simple C interface routines to the SC eTPU finction. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2843.pdf English documents 274725 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2843.pdf Using the Speed Controller (SC) eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN2843.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 2 N N Using the Speed Controller (SC) eTPU Function 274.7 KB AN2843 N 1101228369455714062405 /docs/en/application-note/AN4480.pdf 2016-10-31 1337098744024732522415 SSP 11 Mar 6, 2012 Application Note AN4480: This application note describes the design of a 3-phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) speed and torque vector control drive based on NXP’s Power Architecture MPC5500 microprocessor. The application design takes advantage of the enhanced time processing unit (eTPU) module, which is used as a motor control co-processor. Covers MPC5500, MPC5600, and all eTPU-equipped devices. None /docs/en/application-note/AN4480.pdf English documents 1932421 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN4480.pdf AN4480, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Resolver, Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN4480.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN4480, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Resolver, Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 - Application Notes 1.9 MB AN4480 N 1337098744024732522415 /docs/en/application-note/AN3943.pdf 2016-10-31 1254747233458706914629 SSP 12 Oct 5, 2009 Application Note AN3943: The resolver driver (RSLV) enhanced time processor unit (eTPU) is a motor control utility aimed at providing a software interface to the resolver hardware. This application note describes briefly the theoretical background, details of implementation and C Level API, and presents two application examples. The presented utility is targeted at the MPC5500 family of devices. None /docs/en/application-note/AN3943.pdf English documents 665509 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3943.pdf AN3943, Using the Resolver Interface eTPU Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN3943.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN3943, Using the Resolver Interface eTPU Function - Application Notes 665.5 KB AN3943 N 1254747233458706914629 /docs/en/application-note/AN3771.pdf 2016-10-31 1248986415373722662457 SSP 13 Jul 30, 2009 Application Note This application note is intended to accompany the simple C interface functions for the eTPU SPARK function used as part of the complete eTPU Set 2 automotive function set. These functions can be used on any NXP product that has an eTPU module. Example code is available for the MPC55xx and MPC563xM devices. This application note must be read in conjunction with application note AN2864—General C Functions for the eTPU and application note AN3768 — eTPU Automotive Function Set (Set 2). None /docs/en/application-note/AN3771.pdf English documents 142008 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3771.pdf Using the eTPU Spark Function /docs/en/application-note/AN3771.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N Using the eTPU Spark Function 142.0 KB AN3771 N 1248986415373722662457 /docs/en/application-note/AN3769.pdf 2016-10-31 1244484639908714159643 SSP 14 Jun 8, 2009 Application Note Describing the simple C interface functions to CRANK and CAM eTPU functions. These functions can be used on any product that has an eTPU module. Example code is available for the MPC5633M device. None /docs/en/application-note/AN3769.pdf English documents 832183 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3769.pdf AN3769: Using the Engine Position (CRANK and CAM) eTPU Functions – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN3769.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN3769: Using the Engine Position (CRANK and CAM) eTPU Functions – Application Note 832.2 KB AN3769 N 1244484639908714159643 /docs/en/application-note/AN3772.pdf 2016-10-31 1242765331387722421689 SSP 15 May 19, 2009 Application Note AN3772: This application note provides simple C interface functions for the automotive knock window function used as part of the complete eTPU Set 2 Automotive Function Set. The functions can be used on any NXP product that has an eTPU module. Example code is available for MPC55xx and MPC563xM devices. None /docs/en/application-note/AN3772.pdf English documents 116974 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3772.pdf AN3772, Using the Knock Window eTPU Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN3772.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN3772, Using the Knock Window eTPU Function - Application Notes 117.0 KB AN3772 N 1242765331387722421689 /docs/en/application-note/AN3770.pdf 2016-10-31 1239949867294722007215 SSP 16 Apr 16, 2009 Application Note AN3770: This application note provides a simple C interface for the FUEL eTPU function used as part of the complete eTPU Set 2 Automotive Function Set. The functions can be used on any NXP product that has an enhanced time processor unit (eTPU) module. Example code is available for MPC55xx and MPC563xM devices. None /docs/en/application-note/AN3770.pdf English documents 216527 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3770.pdf AN3770, Using the FUEL eTPU Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN3770.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN3770, Using the FUEL eTPU Function - Application Notes 216.5 KB AN3770 N 1239949867294722007215 /docs/en/application-note/AN2854.pdf 2016-10-31 1155329841096723298147 SSP 17 Oct 9, 2008 Application Note AN2854: This application note is intended to describe simple C interface routines to the synchronized pulse-width modulation (SPWM) eTPU function. The function can be used on any product that has an eTPU module. Example code is available for the MPC5554 device. The synchronized pulse-width modulation function generates a pulse-width modulated (PWM) waveform in which the CPU can change the period or high time at any time. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2854.pdf English documents 242699 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2854.pdf AN2854, Using the Synchronized Pulse-Width Modulation eTPU Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN2854.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N AN2854, Using the Synchronized Pulse-Width Modulation eTPU Function - Application Notes 242.7 KB AN2854 N 1155329841096723298147 /docs/en/application-note/AN2848.pdf 2016-10-31 1096469664549720915415 SSP 18 Aug 20, 2008 Application Note This application note can help the microcontroller systems engineer design and implement the code for the Enhanced Time Processor Unit; discusses how to avoid common problems. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2848.pdf English documents 659211 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2848.pdf Programming the eTPU /docs/en/application-note/AN2848.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1.0 N N Programming the eTPU 659.2 KB AN2848 N 1096469664549720915415 /docs/en/application-note/AN2863.pdf 2016-10-31 1197359055161718561463 SSP 19 Dec 10, 2007 Application Note AN2863: This application note complements AN2863SW to describe the enhanced time processing unit (eTPU) general function set (Set 1). AN2863SW contains the binary image of the eTPU code, source code, and the interface files for the function application programming interfaces (APIs). Functions available are GPIO, PWM, IC, OC, FPM, PPA, UART, QOM, SM, SPI, SPWM, and test, which are discussed in this application note. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2863.pdf English documents 124330 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2863.pdf AN2863, eTPU General Function Set (Set 1) - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN2863.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN2863, eTPU General Function Set (Set 1) - Application Notes 124.3 KB AN2863 N 1197359055161718561463 /docs/en/application-note/AN2849.pdf 2016-10-31 1195731735270709270642 SSP 20 Nov 22, 2007 Application Note AN2849: This application note provides simple C interface routines for the enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU) PWM function. These routines can be can be used on any device that includes an eTPU module. The PWM function generates output pulses according to a set of parameters (frequency, duty cycle, and polarity), without CPU intervention. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2849.pdf English documents 124748 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2849.pdf AN2849, Using the eTPU Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN2849.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN2849, Using the eTPU Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Function - Application Notes 124.7 KB AN2849 N 1195731735270709270642 /docs/en/application-note/AN2858.pdf 2016-10-31 1193743996019707017800 SSP 21 Oct 30, 2007 Application Note This eTPU application note describes the functionality of the Period and Pulse Accumulator (PPA) eTPU function and the usage of the C interface routines for initializing and retrieving results from the timing function. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2858.pdf English documents 143573 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2858.pdf Period and Pulse Accumulator (PPA) eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN2858.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N Period and Pulse Accumulator (PPA) eTPU Function 143.6 KB AN2858 N 1193743996019707017800 /docs/en/application-note/AN2851.pdf 2016-10-31 1188403311440705772673 SSP 22 Aug 29, 2007 Application Note AN2851: This eTPU Input Capture (IC) application note provides simple C routines to interface to the IC eTPU function. These routines can be used on any product that has an eTPU module. Example code is available for the MPC5554 device. This application note should be read in conjunction with application note AN2864, ?General C Functions for the eTPU.? None /docs/en/application-note/AN2851.pdf English documents 89162 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2851.pdf AN2851, Using the eTPU Input Capture Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN2851.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN2851, Using the eTPU Input Capture Function - Application Notes 89.2 KB AN2851 N 1188403311440705772673 /docs/en/application-note/AN2821.pdf 2016-10-31 1092681165093712592907 SSP 23 Aug 14, 2007 Application Note This application note discusses the enhanced Time
Processing Unit (eTPU), hardware and software of the
host interface, and describes the software integration. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2821.pdf English documents 193189 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2821.pdf eTPU Host Interface /docs/en/application-note/AN2821.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 2 N N eTPU Host Interface 193.2 KB AN2821 N 1092681165093712592907 /docs/en/application-note/AN3379.pdf 2016-10-31 1183995242311713735923 SSP 24 Jul 9, 2007 Application Note The CEA709 Enhanced Time Processor Unit (eTPU) function serves as a 78.125 kbit/s ANSI/EIA/CEA 709.1 Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer. This function is intended to be used with the ANSI/EIA/CEA 709.1 protocol software developed by Domologic and targeted at NXP’s 32-bit ColdFire controller MCF5235. Then, the MCF5235 can serve as an ASNI/EIA/CEA 709.1 LonTalk® compatible communication node. This application note provides simple C interface routines to the CEA709 eTPU function. These routines None /docs/en/application-note/AN3379.pdf English documents 441580 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3379.pdf Using the CEA709 eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN3379.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N Using the CEA709 eTPU Function 441.6 KB AN3379 N 1183995242311713735923 /docs/en/application-note/AN3000.pdf 2016-10-31 1149712361293698564676 SSP 25 Jun 7, 2006 Application Note This application note describes the design of a 3-phase AC induction motor drive with open loop Volts per Hertz control, which is based on Our MCF523x microcontroller. None /docs/en/application-note/AN3000.pdf English documents 1714589 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3000.pdf AC Induction Motor Volts per Hertz Control, Driven by eTPU on MCF523x /docs/en/application-note/AN3000.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AC Induction Motor Volts per Hertz Control, Driven by eTPU on MCF523x 1.7 MB AN3000 N 1149712361293698564676 /docs/en/application-note/AN3001.pdf 2016-10-31 1149712357564724873053 SSP 26 Jun 7, 2006 Application Note This application note describes the design of a 3-phase AC induction motor (ACIM) speed and torque vector control drive based on Our PowerPC MPC5500 microprocessor. None /docs/en/application-note/AN3001.pdf English documents 1925828 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3001.pdf AC Induction Motor Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 /docs/en/application-note/AN3001.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AC Induction Motor Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 1.9 MB AN3001 N 1149712357564724873053 /docs/en/application-note/AN3205.pdf 2016-10-31 1149712368748721519374 SSP 27 Jun 7, 2006 Application Note This application note describes the design of a 3-phase AC induction motor (ACIM) speed closed loop Volts per Hertz control drive based on Our PowerPC MPC5500 microprocessor. None /docs/en/application-note/AN3205.pdf English documents 4061985 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3205.pdf AC Induction Motor Volts per Hertz Control with Speed Closed Loop, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 /docs/en/application-note/AN3205.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AC Induction Motor Volts per Hertz Control with Speed Closed Loop, Driven by eTPU on MPC5500 4.1 MB AN3205 N 1149712368748721519374 /docs/en/application-note/AN3006.pdf 2016-10-31 1123859090461711709358 SSP 28 May 3, 2006 Application Note This application note describes the design of a 3-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive based on NXPs PowerPC MPC5554 microcontroller. None /docs/en/application-note/AN3006.pdf English documents 1577703 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3006.pdf BLDC Motor with Hall Sensors and Speed Closed Loop, driven by eTPU on MPC5554 /docs/en/application-note/AN3006.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N BLDC Motor with Hall Sensors and Speed Closed Loop, driven by eTPU on MPC5554 1.6 MB AN3006 N 1123859090461711709358 /docs/en/application-note/AN2958.pdf 2016-10-31 1117828100579718814593 SSP 29 May 3, 2006 Application Note AN2958: The enhanced time processing unit (eTPU) is a programmable I/O controller with its own core and memory system, allowing it to perform complex timing and I/O management independently of the CPU. The eTPU module is a peripheral for new 32-bit devices on the industrial and automotive markets (currently, the ColdFire MCF523x and PowerPC MPC5500 families). None /docs/en/application-note/AN2958.pdf English documents 436601 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2958.pdf AN2958, Using the DC Motor Control eTPU Function Set (set3) - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN2958.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N AN2958, Using the DC Motor Control eTPU Function Set (set3) - Application Notes 436.6 KB AN2958 N 1117828100579718814593 /docs/en/application-note/AN3005.pdf 2016-10-31 1123859083802732255187 SSP 30 May 3, 2006 Application Note AN3005: This application note describes the design of a 3-phase Brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive based on NXP?s PowerPC MPC5554 microcontroller. The application design takes advantage of the Enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU) module, which is used as a motor control co-processor. The eTPU completely handles the motor control processing. None /docs/en/application-note/AN3005.pdf English documents 1758457 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3005.pdf AN3005, BLDC Motor with Quadrature Encoder and Speed Closed Loop, Driven by eTPU on MPC5554 - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN3005.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N AN3005, BLDC Motor with Quadrature Encoder and Speed Closed Loop, Driven by eTPU on MPC5554 - Application Notes 1.8 MB AN3005 N 1123859083802732255187 /docs/en/application-note/AN3007.pdf 2016-10-31 1123859097183706425317 SSP 31 May 3, 2006 Application Note This application note describes the design of a 3-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive based on NXPs PowerPC MPC5554 microcontroller. None /docs/en/application-note/AN3007.pdf English documents 1685230 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3007.pdf BLDC Motor with Speed Closed Loop and DC-Bus Break Controller, driven by eTPU on MPC5554 /docs/en/application-note/AN3007.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N BLDC Motor with Speed Closed Loop and DC-Bus Break Controller, driven by eTPU on MPC5554 1.7 MB AN3007 N 1123859097183706425317 /docs/en/application-note/AN3008.pdf 2016-10-31 1123859103837708180368 SSP 32 May 3, 2006 Application Note This application note describes the design of a DC motor drive based on NXPs PowerPC MPC5554 microcontroller. None /docs/en/application-note/AN3008.pdf English documents 1626058 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3008.pdf DC Motor with Speed and Current Closed Loops, Driven by eTPU on MPC5554 /docs/en/application-note/AN3008.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N DC Motor with Speed and Current Closed Loops, Driven by eTPU on MPC5554 1.6 MB AN3008 N 1123859103837708180368 /docs/en/application-note/AN2971.pdf 2016-10-31 1124912296719719643105 SSP 33 Apr 20, 2006 Application Note The ACIM volts per hertz (ACIMVHZ) enhanced time processor unit (eTPU) function is one of the functions included in the AC motor control eTPU function set (set4). This application note is intended to provide simple C interface routines to the ACIMVHZ eTPU function. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2971.pdf English documents 332139 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2971.pdf Using the ACIM Volts per Hertz (ACIMVHZ) eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN2971.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 2 N N Using the ACIM Volts per Hertz (ACIMVHZ) eTPU Function 332.1 KB AN2971 N 1124912296719719643105 /docs/en/application-note/AN3002.pdf 2016-10-31 1131137921153682530814 SSP 34 Oct 4, 2005 Application Note This application note describes the design of a 3-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) speed and torque vector control drive based on NXPs ColdFire MCF523x microprocessor. None /docs/en/application-note/AN3002.pdf English documents 1398612 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3002.pdf Permanent Magnet Synchonous Motor Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MCF523x /docs/en/application-note/AN3002.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N Permanent Magnet Synchonous Motor Vector Control, Driven by eTPU on MCF523x 1.4 MB AN3002 N 1131137921153682530814 /docs/en/application-note/AN2948.pdf 2016-10-31 1108659648956691904957 SSP 35 Sep 1, 2005 Application Note This application note describes the designs of multiple 3-phase Brushless DC (BLDC) motors driven by Our ColdFire MCF523x microprocessor. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2948.pdf English documents 2036228 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2948.pdf Three 3-Phase BLDC Motors with Speed Closed Loop, driven by eTPU on MCF523x /docs/en/application-note/AN2948.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 2 N N Three 3-Phase BLDC Motors with Speed Closed Loop, driven by eTPU on MCF523x 2.0 MB AN2948 N 1108659648956691904957 /docs/en/application-note/AN2954.pdf 2016-10-31 1119978377646727090399 SSP 36 Jun 28, 2005 Application Note This application note describes the design of a 3-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive based on NXPs ColdFire MCF523x microprocessor. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2954.pdf English documents 1781583 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2954.pdf BLDC Motor with Speed Closed Loop and DC-Bus Break Controller, driven by eTPU on MCF523x /docs/en/application-note/AN2954.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N BLDC Motor with Speed Closed Loop and DC-Bus Break Controller, driven by eTPU on MCF523x 1.8 MB AN2954 N 1119978377646727090399 /docs/en/application-note/AN2955.pdf 2016-10-31 1119978384357706027081 SSP 37 Jun 28, 2005 Application Note This application note describes the design of a DC motor drive based on NXPs ColdFire MCF523x microprocessor. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2955.pdf English documents 1676108 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2955.pdf DC Motor with Speed and Current Closed Loops, driven by eTPU on MCF523x /docs/en/application-note/AN2955.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N DC Motor with Speed and Current Closed Loops, driven by eTPU on MCF523x 1.7 MB AN2955 N 1119978384357706027081 /docs/en/application-note/AN2957.pdf 2016-10-31 1119978391059710994120 SSP 38 Jun 28, 2005 Application Note This application note describes the design of a 3-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive based on NXPs ColdFire MCF523x microprocessor. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2957.pdf English documents 1930395 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2957.pdf BLDC Motor with Quadrature Encoder and Speed Closed Loop, Driven by eTPU on MCF523x /docs/en/application-note/AN2957.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N BLDC Motor with Quadrature Encoder and Speed Closed Loop, Driven by eTPU on MCF523x 1.9 MB AN2957 N 1119978391059710994120 /docs/en/application-note/AN2850.pdf 2016-10-31 1119541822441716024191 SSP 39 Jun 23, 2005 Application Note AN2850: The enhanced time processor unite (eTPU) general purpose input/output (GPIO) application note describes a set of simple C interface routines to the GPIO eTPU function. The example code provided in this document was written for the MPC5554 device. The GPIO functions allow the user to configure an eTPU channel as an input or output. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2850.pdf English documents 90865 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2850.pdf AN2850, Using the General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) eTPU Function - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN2850.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN2850, Using the General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) eTPU Function - Application Notes 90.9 KB AN2850 N 1119541822441716024191 /docs/en/application-note/AN2852.pdf 2016-10-31 1118248199214709721034 SSP 40 Jun 8, 2005 Application Note Simple C interface routines to the OC eTPU function. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2852.pdf English documents 145418 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2852.pdf Using the Output Compare (OC) eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN2852.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N Using the Output Compare (OC) eTPU Function 145.4 KB AN2852 N 1118248199214709721034 /docs/en/application-note/AN2892.pdf 2016-10-31 1108659655870719955143 SSP 41 Jun 5, 2005 Application Note This application note describes the design of a 3-phase Brushless DV (BLDC) motor drive based on Our ColdFire MCF523x microprocessor. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2892.pdf English documents 1618874 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2892.pdf 3-Phase BLDC Motor with Speed Closed Loop, driven by eTPU on MCF523x /docs/en/application-note/AN2892.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N 3-Phase BLDC Motor with Speed Closed Loop, driven by eTPU on MCF523x 1.6 MB AN2892 N 1108659655870719955143 /docs/en/application-note/AN2844.pdf 2016-10-31 1113505178239713547816 SSP 42 Apr 14, 2005 Application Note This application note is intended to provide simple C interface routines to the CC eTPU function. The routines are targeted at the MCF523x and MPC5500 families of devices, but they could be easily used with any device that has an eTPU. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2844.pdf English documents 245289 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2844.pdf Using the Current Controller (CC) eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN2844.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N Using the Current Controller (CC) eTPU Function 245.3 KB AN2844 N 1113505178239713547816 /docs/en/application-note/AN2845.pdf 2016-10-31 1113505180171723954836 SSP 43 Apr 14, 2005 Application Note This application note is intended to provide simple C interface routines to the BC eTPU function. The routines are targeted at the MCF523x and MPC5500 families of devices, but they could be easily used with any device that has an eTPU. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2845.pdf English documents 628844 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2845.pdf Using the Break Controller (BC) eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN2845.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N Using the Break Controller (BC) eTPU Function 628.8 KB AN2845 N 1113505180171723954836 /docs/en/application-note/AN2840.pdf 2016-10-31 1101227654803716831629 SSP 44 Apr 11, 2005 Application Note Simple C interface routines to the PWMMDC, PWMF, and PWMC eTPU functions. The routines are targeted at the MCF523x and MPC5500 families of devices, but they could be easily used with any device that has an eTPU. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2840.pdf English documents 750452 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2840.pdf Using the DC Motor Control PWM eTPU Functions /docs/en/application-note/AN2840.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N Using the DC Motor Control PWM eTPU Functions 750.5 KB AN2840 N 1101227654803716831629 /docs/en/application-note/AN2857.pdf 2016-10-31 1101154493526713660645 SSP 45 Nov 22, 2004 Application Note eTPU Queued Output Match (QOM) application note provides simple C interface routines to the QOM eTPU function. None /docs/en/application-note/AN2857.pdf English documents 642607 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN2857.pdf Using the Queued Output Match (QOM) eTPU Function /docs/en/application-note/AN2857.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N Using the Queued Output Match (QOM) eTPU Function 642.6 KB AN2857 N 1101154493526713660645 Application Note Software 1 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN4687SW.zip 2016-10-31 1362582616878711855252 SSP 49 Mar 6, 2013 Application Note Software Generating PWM Signal using eTPU Graphical Configuration Tool (GCT) application example None /docs/en/application-note-software/AN4687SW.zip English documents 402778 None 789425793691620447 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note-software/AN4687SW.zip AN4687SW, Generating PWM Signal usingeTPU Graphical Configuration Tool (GCT) application example - Application Note Software /docs/en/application-note-software/AN4687SW.zip documents 789425793691620447 Application Note Software N en None Y zip 0 N N AN4687SW, Generating PWM Signal usingeTPU Graphical Configuration Tool (GCT) application example - Application Note Software 402.8 KB AN4687SW N 1362582616878711855252 Reference Manual 2 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/ETPURMAD.pdf 2016-10-31 1265324050199707759852 SSP 1 Feb 4, 2010 Reference Manual This document describes features which have been implemented on eTPU2 and which are additional features over eTPU. This document should be read in conjunction with NXP document ETPURM, Enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU) Preliminary Reference Manual, which is available from nxp.com. All of the eTPU2 features have been implemented in such a way that legacy object code (for both the host and eTPU microcode) will run on eTPU2 without modification. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/ETPURMAD.pdf English documents 904364 None 500633505221135046 2022-12-07 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=ETPURMAD eTPU Addendum - Reference Manual /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/ETPURMAD.pdf documents 500633505221135046 Reference Manual N en Extended Y pdf 0 Y N eTPU Addendum - Reference Manual 904.4 KB ETPURMAD N 1265324050199707759852 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/ETPURM.pdf 2016-10-31 1084827788850731814185 SSP 2 May 17, 2004 Reference Manual This document describes the functionality of the Enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU), an intelligent, semi-autonomous coprocessor for timing control. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/ETPURM.pdf English documents 11088611 None 500633505221135046 2022-12-07 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=ETPURM Enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU) Reference Manual /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/ETPURM.pdf documents 500633505221135046 Reference Manual N en Extended Y pdf 1 Y N Enhanced Time Processing Unit (eTPU) Reference Manual 11.1 MB ETPURM N 1084827788850731814185 User Guide 3 /docs/en/user-guide/AN2897.pdf 2016-10-31 1099692657812704939078 SSP 46 Nov 5, 2006 User Guide This document describes the Angle Clock feature of the Enhanced Time Processor Unit and offers practical advise on the application and use of this feature. The note assumes a familiarity with the eTPU and the eTPU_C language used in the Byte Craft compiler. Code examples presented below are taken from a Reference design which is available from your NXP representative. None /docs/en/user-guide/AN2897.pdf English documents 720456 None 132339537837198660 2023-06-19 N /docs/en/user-guide/AN2897.pdf Using the eTPU Angle Clock /docs/en/user-guide/AN2897.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en None Y pdf 0 N N Using the eTPU Angle Clock 720.5 KB AN2897 N 1099692657812704939078 /docs/en/user-guide/AN2933.pdf 2016-10-31 1103226762114741089091 SSP 47 Dec 16, 2004 User Guide Describes the architecture of the eTPU channel hardware and how the action units can be configures to meet system requirements and accurately controlled for flawless operation. None /docs/en/user-guide/AN2933.pdf English documents 907695 None 132339537837198660 2023-06-19 N /docs/en/user-guide/AN2933.pdf Understanding the eTPU Channel Hardware /docs/en/user-guide/AN2933.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en None Y pdf 0 N N Understanding the eTPU Channel Hardware 907.7 KB AN2933 N 1103226762114741089091 /docs/en/user-guide/AN2353.pdf 2016-10-31 1086624911475714081887 SSP 48 Aug 12, 2004 User Guide TECD 8.5x11 Looseleaf Document Template None /docs/en/user-guide/AN2353.pdf English documents 141116 None 132339537837198660 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/user-guide/AN2353.pdf The Essentials of Enhanced Time Processing Unit /docs/en/user-guide/AN2353.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en None Y pdf 1 N N The Essentials of Enhanced Time Processing Unit 141.1 KB AN2353 N 1086624911475714081887 true Y Softwares


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