User Guide (1)
TagXplorer Quick start-up guide[UM11133]
Archived content is no longer updated and is made available for historical reference only. We recommend to use our TapLinx SDK as well as RFIDDiscover and TagWriter iOS | Android.
NDEF reader/writer tool for Windows, Mac and Linux Desktop PCs for NXP NFC ICs
Similar to NXP’s TagWriter App for Android the new TagXplorer tool for PCs allows to read, analyze and write NDEF messages to NXP’s NFC tag and smart sensor ICs. The tool is designed using NXP’s TapLinx open Java API and it allows the user to perform NDEF Operations defined by NFC Forum on NFC Forum type 2 and 4 tags for NXP NFC Tag ICs.
TagXplorer is based on Java and designed to run on Windows, MacOS and Linux operating systems. The Java Run Time environment needs to be installed on the respective PC.
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