201904001F01:33907 / 33908 and FS6407 / FS6408 Data Sheet Update Proposal: Modification of VCCA Output Voltage Foldback Threshold
  • Product Change Notification (PCN)
  • 201904001F01

201904001F01 : 33907 / 33908 and FS6407 / FS6408 Data Sheet Update Proposal: Modification of VCCA Output Voltage Foldback Threshold

NXP Semiconductors proposes data sheet updates for the Power System Basis Chip products associated with this notification for parameter VCCA Output Voltage Foldback Threshold. In order to improve product performance NXP proposes the following specification value updates:VCCA Output Voltage Foldback Threshold:- Increase Min value from 0.5 V to 0.6 V - Increase Max value from 1.1 V to 1.2 VThe proposed new values have been evaluated versus applications conditions and are considered low risk.The attached presentation shows the specification extract associated with these parameters. The new VCCA Output Voltage Foldback Threshold values will be incorporated in the next data sheet specification revisions. The current data sheet specification revisions are: MC33907-MC33908D2 Rev 5.0MC34FS6407-08 Rev 3.0Corresponding ZVEI Delta Qualification Matrix ID: SEM-DS-01.

PCN Type Change Category Issue Date Effective Date
Final Product Change Notification Electrical spec./Test coverage 07-Apr-2019 05-Jul-2019

Reason of Change

The proposed VCCA Output Voltage Foldback Threshold specification updates improve product performance:- Current limit foldback is a reduction of the current limit in case of VCCA voltage is very low to limit the power dissipation.- The foldback current limitation is activated only when VCCA < VCCA_FB_TH which means in real life a VCCA short to GND.- Proposed higher VCCA_FB_TH specification values are safer for the device since it reduces the current for a higher voltage value.

Identification of Affected Products

Product identification does not change. Shipment of products tested with updated limits will occur upon PCN acceptance.

Anticipated Impact

Data sheet revision: A new datasheet will be issued

Enhanced functionality associated with VCCA Output Voltage Foldback Threshold

Affected Parts

Part Number / 12NC Last Time Buy Date Last Time Delivery Date Replacement Part
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