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Let's take your USB-KW40Z for a test drive!
Note: K32W061/41 is preferred for any new Zigbee®, Thread and Bluetooth® LE 5.0 design. No new software releases planned
In this step, we are going to guide you through the process to get the required software to enable the USB-KW40Z dongle as a Bluetooth Low Energy or IEEE 802.15.4 sniffer. You can also use the USB-KW40Z as a development platform. Select the option you want to accomplish with your USB-KW40Z.
The KW40Z Connectivity Software package integrates the Kinetis Software Development Kit v1.3 and all the wireless connectivity stacks required to develop your solution using IEEE 802.15.4 and/or Bluetooth Low Energy. It also includes drivers required for the USB-KW40Z.
Click below to download the KW40Z Connectivity Software for your computer.
Get KW40Z Connectivity Software
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Wireshark is an Open-source network protocol analyzer. It will help you to see what is happening in the wireless communication. It is a great tool for helping to debug issues when talking about wireless connectivity applications.
Get Wireshark network protocol analyze
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In order to enable NXP Wireless Connectivity products, an adapter is needed by wireshark to add support to NXP KW40 device. Please, install this application once you already installed Wireshark.
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USB-KW40Z comes pre-programmed with the sniffer firmware by default. However, if you erased the pre-programmed software in the USB-KW40Z, you can follow the steps provided in the next guide to program USB-KW40Z sniffer application again. Please, click the next button to show you how to program USB-KW40Z with the sniffer firmware.
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USB-KW40Z comes pre-programmed with a sniffer application. Once all the required software is installed in the PC. You are ready to start sniffing your IEEE 802.15.4 or BLE applications. Next buttons provide directions on how to enable your USB-KW40Z on each protocol. Click on the desired protocol to sniff.
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