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The firmware loaded in the chip is the "One-time NFC program downloader". To demonstrate the "Temperature Logger", "Therapy Adherence", or any other use case, the corresponding firmware image needs to be downloaded in the FLASH memory of the NHS31xx
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Programming takes three steps:
Note: This can be carried out only once: when the new firmware is programmed, it is impossible to overwrite it wirelessly later. Changing firmware again is then only possible using a wired approach - see the next tab for instructions on how to do this.
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Open the app "NHS31xx NFC Program Loader" on your phone. Download the demo container if not done already - a link is also available from within the app - and select the demo container from within the app. The app will read the contents and display the found demo firmware. Select the firmware corresponding to your demo PCB or label. Next tap the NFC antenna with your phone. Programming will start automatically. Keep the phone in a steady position to maintain the NFC connection until programming is complete.
Upon successful completion, the new firmware image will automatically start. The Demo PCB is now fully prepared, and you can use it for demonstration purposes immediately.
When programming fails - for example when the demo PCB or label is removed from the NFC field - you can simply try again. Only once programming has completely finished, wireless downloading of other firmware is no longer possible.
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The firmware residing in the NHS31xx
chip - whether it is the "One-time NFC program downloader", one of the demo firmware images from the SDK, or any other firmware image - can be replaced using a wired connection.
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This can be done in three steps:
Download and install Flash Magic from Flash Magic Tool
Note: This requires the use of a separate LPC-Link 2 debugger board. Another option is to use J-Link Software in combination with an LPC-Link2 debugger board, or a Segger J-Link debugger probe.
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When using the zip container from NXP: extract the contents. Each subfolder contains programming images for one specific use case. Next use Flash Magic (or J-Link) to program the flash contents of your choice, corresponding to your demo PCB or label.
Upon successful completion, the new firmware image will automatically start. The Demo PCB is now fully prepared, and you can use it for demonstration purposes immediately.
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Prepare your workstation by downloading the latest SDK from the NHS3152 product page and follow the steps outlined in docs/UM11153.pdf
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