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Printed Circuit Boards and Schematics
LPC11U6X Schematic
Archived content is no longer updated and is made available for historical reference only
This board is no longer available – OM13058 (LPCXpresso11U68) is recommended as an alternative. Archived content is no longer updated and is made available for historical reference only.
The LPC11U68 Development Board is designed to enable rapid evaluation and prototyping with NXP®'s LPC11U68 Cortex-M0+ microcontroller.
Jointly designed by NXP and Manley, this board offers a rich set of on-board features. These features make it a great starting point for your next Cortex-M0+ project. The LPC11U68 Development Board is compatible with LPCXpresso development tools from NXP®, and the LPC-Link2 or any LPCXpresso V2 board can be used as a debug probe. The board can also be used with KEIL MDK.
The order code for this board is OM13065.
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