Accessibility | NXP Semiconductors

NXP is committed to providing a website that is accessible to a wide range of visitors. We continuously strive to improve our features so that content can be accessed regardless of ability.

Text Size

You can adjust text size by utilizing the browser’s zoom feature. In many web browsers this can be accessed by selecting View, Zoom In, Zoom out or by pressing Ctrl + and Ctrl - on your keyboard (⌘ + or ⌘ - for Mac).

Images and Alternative Text

Many images on our website possess alternative text (alt text) which can be read aloud by screen readers or Braille displays. The alt text conveys the same essential information as the image, serving the same purpose.


Links are written to be clear and concise, making them easier to scan visually and using a screen reader. Links that open in a new window will be indicated with a NE arrow ( ) to inform the user.

We also feature large touch targets on buttons and links for easier clickability.


Our website is optimized for use with JavaScript enabled. However, where JavaScript or other scripts are used for navigation or functionality, an alternative mechanism has been put in place in case your browser does not support these scripts. Find instructions to enable Javascript.

Supported Browsers

Chrome Firefox Internet Explorer Microsoft Edge Safari
71+ 78+ Discontinued support 18+ 14+
Android iOS Safari
5.1+ 12+


Videos are delivered in a way that ensures an optimal experience on different devices and bandwidth.

Videos hosted by are compatible with the browsers and operating systems described in the table above. Depending on the version and preferences of each browser, our video engine may rely on the standard built-in HTML5 player or plug-ins such as Flash to play the video.

Keyboard Navigation

Our site is fully operable by a keyboard. Using the Enter, Esc, Tab and Shift + Tab keys you can successfully navigate the entire site.