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ZigBee Light Link (ZLL) is a global standard for interoperable and easy-to-use consumer lighting and control products. It provides the consumer with new lighting functionality, including remote control, programmable timer control and mood lighting. A wireless network is implemented in the home using the ZigBee PRO protocol with the ZigBee Light Link application profile. This network comprises light nodes and controller nodes, such as light switches, occupancy sensors, remote control units, smart phones, tablets and laptops.
NXP® provide a complete ZigBee Light Link software solution for the JN516x microcontrollers, including the ZigBee PRO protocol, ZLL application profile, ZigBee Cluster Library (ZCL) and JenOS (Jennic Operating System). A ZigBee Light Link solution may use ZLL-specific ‘clusters’ from the ZLL profile and general clusters from the ZCL.
Note: K32W061/41 or JN5189/88T are preferred for any new Zigbee®, Thread and Bluetooth® LE 5.0 design. No new software releases planned
ZigBee PRO with the ZigBee Light Link profile is available for the JN5169, JN5168 and JN5164 microcontrollers. The protocol, profile and associated support software are supplied in the following Software Developer’s Kit (SDK):
The above SDK must be installed on top of the BeyondStudio for NXP toolchain (JN-SW-4141). Installation instructions are provided in the BeyondStudio for NXP Installation and User Guide (JN-UG-3098).
A ZigBee Light Link demonstration application is provided and described in the ZigBee Light Link Solution Application Note (JN-AN-1171). This demonstration can be programmed into and run on the boards of the JN516x-E001 Evaluation Kit.
A wide range of user resources are provided to aid in the development of custom ZLL solutions, including an SDK, User Guides and Application Notes. Those resources that are relevant to ZLL are listed below.
Hardware-related resources can be found on the Support Resources for JN516x MCUs page
Legacy software is listed at the bottom of the page.
Part Number | Title | Description | Version | |
Software | ||||
JN-SW-4168 | JN516x ZigBee Light Link SDK | Software for the development of ZigBee PRO wireless network applications based on the ZigBee Light Link (ZLL) profile for JN516x devices. Also supports the Home Automation (HA) profile. Must be installed on top of the BeyondStudio for NXP toolchain. For details, refer to the Release Notes. | 1620 | |
JN-SW-4141 | BeyondStudio for NXP | Toolchain for developing JN516x applications. For details, refer to the Release Notes and User Guide JN-UG-3098. | 1308 | |
JN-SW-4107 | JN51xx Production Flash Programmer | Utility for loading built applications into JN51xx devices in a production environment. For details, refer to the Release Notes and User Guide JN-UG-3099. | 1365 | |
User Guides | ||||
JN-UG-3075 | JenOS User Guide | Details the JenOS APIs used in ZigBee PRO application code to manage OS resources. | 1.8 | |
JN-UG-3081 | JET User Guide | Describes the JN51xx Encryption Tool (JET) used to produce encrypted and/or merged application binary files. | 1.7 | |
JN-UG-3091 | ZigBee Light Link User Guide | Introduces ZigBee Light Link (ZLL) and details the ZLL API for developing applications. | 1.3 | |
JN-UG-3098 | BeyondStudio for NXP Installation and User Guide | Describes the installation and operation of BeyondStudio for NXP (JN-SW-4141). Also covers JN516x SDK installation. | 1.2 | |
JN-UG-3101 | ZigBee PRO Stack User Guide (for ZLL/HA) | Introduces essential ZigBee PRO concepts and details the ZigBee PRO APIs for developing applications. | 1.5 | |
JN-UG-3103 | ZigBee Cluster Library User Guide (for ZLL/HA) | Describes the NXP implementation of the ZigBee Cluster Library (ZCL). | 1.4 | |
Application Notes | ||||
JN-AN-1171 | ZigBee Light Link Solution Application Note | Provides and describes an example ZigBee Light Link application. | 1.16 | |
JN-AN-1172 | JN516x Customer Module Evaluation Tool | Provides and describes a tool which can be used to place the JN516x microcontroller into a number of test modes that enable measurement of module performance. | 1.6 | |
JN-AN-1175 | Packet Error Rate Testing for JN516x | Provides and describes Packet Error Rate (PER) testing software that can be used on boards from a JN516x evaluation kit. | 1.2 | |
JN-AN-1184 | ZigBee PRO Application Template for JN516x | Provides a set of ZigBee PRO application code templates that are profile-independent and can be used as a basis for ZigBee PRO application development for the JN516x devices. | 1620 | |
JN-AN-1193 | JN516x Lauterbach JTAG Debugger | Details the configuration of a debug environment for code running on a JN516x device using a Lauterbach JTAG Debugger. | 1.4 | |
JN-AN-1194 | ZigBee IoT Gateway Application Note | Provides information and software for developing a custom IoT Gateway which interfaces the WPAN of a ZigBee system to a LAN/WAN. This Application Note is now frozen and has been replaced with JN-AN-1222 and JN-AN-1223. | 2.1 | |
JN-AN-1202 | BeyondStudio Migration Guidelines | Provides guidance on migrating existing JN516x projects to BeyondStudio for NXP. | 1.1 | |
JN-AN-1203 | JN516x JTAG Debugging in BeyondStudio | Describes use of the JTAG debugging features of the JN516x devices via the BeyondStudio for NXP software tool. | 1.2 | |
JN-AN-1222 | ZigBee IoT Gateway Host with NFC | Details the hardware and software required to implement the Host part of a ZigBee IoT Gateway with NFC functionality, using the components of the JN516x-EK004 Evaluation Kit. | 2006 | |
JN-AN-1223 | ZigBee IoT Gateway Control Bridge | Illustrates control of the ZigBee Control Bridge part of an IoT Gateway from a graphical interface application running on a PC. | 1014 | |
Related Documentation | ||||
JN5169 | JN5169 Datasheet | Details the JN5169 microcontroller | 1 | |
JN5169M0x | JN5169-001-M0x-2 Datasheet | Details the JN5169-001-M0x series of modules | 3.0 | |
JN-DS-JN516x | JN516x Datasheet | Details the JN516x series of microcontrollers. | 1.3 | |
JN-DS-JN5168-001-MO | JN5168-001-Myy Datasheet | Details the JN5168-001-Myy series of modules. | 1.4 | |
JN-RM-2003 | LPRF Board API Reference Manual | Details the Board API, used in application code to interact with components on the boards supplied in an evaluation kit. | 2.4 | |
JN-UG-3087 | JN516x Integrated Peripherals API User Guide | Details the JN516x Integrated Peripherals API, used in application code to interact with JN516x on-chip peripherals. | 1.5 | |
JN-UG-3093 | JN516x-EK001 Evaluation Kit User Guide | Describes the contents of this JN516x evaluation kit, and how to set up and run the pre-loaded demonstration. | 1.5 | |
JN-UG-3099 | JN51xx Production Flash Programmer User Guide | Describes use of the JN51xx Production Flash Programmer (JN-SW-4107). | 1.1 | |
JN-UG-3108 | JN516x-EK004 Evaluation Kit User Guide | Describes the contents of the JN516x-EK004 Evaluation Kit, and how to set up and run the pre-loaded demonstration. | 2.0 |
The software required to develop JN516x ZigBee Light Link applications using the former Eclipse-based toolchain (JN-SW-4041) is listed and described below. This is not recommended for new designs.
Part Number | Title | Description | Version |
JN-SW-4041 | JN51xx SDK Toolchain | Toolchain for developing JN516x applications. | 1.1 |
JN-SW-4062 | JN516x ZigBee Light Link SDK | Software for the development of ZigBee PRO wireless network applications based on the ZigBee Light Link (ZLL) profile for JN516x devices. Must be installed on top of the JN51xx SDK Toolchain. | 994 |
JN-SW-4007 | JN51xx Flash Programmer | Utility for loading built applications into JN51xx Flash memory. | 1.8.9 |