I2C-Bus Controlled 4 x 50 W Power Amplifier

Product Details


Key Features

  • Stop/start-car prepared: keeps operating without audible disturbance during engine start at a battery voltage as low as 6 V
  • Operates in either legacy (non I²C-bus) or I²C-bus modes (3.3 V and 5 V compliant)
  • Four hardware-programmable I²C-bus addresses
  • Can drive 2 Ω and 4 Ω loads
  • Speaker fault detection
  • Start-up diagnostics with load detection: open, short, present; filtered for door-slam and chatter relays
  • AC load (tweeter) detection with low and high current mode
  • Gain select after start-up without audible disturbance
  • Independent selectable soft mute of front and rear channels
  • Programmable gain (26 dB and 16 dB), independently programmable for the front and rear channels
  • Line driver mode supports engine start at a battery voltage as low as 6 V (16 dB and mid-tap voltage 0.25VP)
  • Programmable clip detect: 2 %, 5 % or 10 %
  • Programmable thermal pre-warning
  • Pin STB can be programmed/multiplexed with second-clip detect
  • Clip information of each channel can be directed separately to pin DIAG or pin STB
  • Independent enabling of thermal-, clip- or load fault information (short across the load or to VP or to ground) on pin DIAG
  • Loss-of-ground and open VP safe (minimum series resistance required)
  • All amplifier outputs short-circuit proof to ground, supply voltage and across the load (channel independent)
  • All pins short-circuit proof to ground
  • Temperature controlled gain reduction to prevent audio holes at high junction temperatures
  • Programmable low battery voltage detection to enable 7.5 V or 6 V minimum battery voltage operation
  • Over-voltage protection (load-dump safe up to VP = 50 V) with over-voltage pre-warning at 16 V
  • Offset detection

Part numbers include: TDF8544SD, TDF8544TH.



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