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The TEF6906 is a single-chip car radio integrated circuit with FM tuner, featuring a Radio Data System (RDS)/Radio Broadcast Data System (RBDS) demodulator for radio data reception. Main focus of TEF6906 is reception of Traffic Message Channel (TMC) messages for navigation devices via RDS or RBDS.Demodulated FM Multiplex (MPX) signal is available at external pins for optional support of other FM subcarrier systems by an external device, e.g. for DAta Radio Channel (DARC) or Vehicle Information and Communication System (VICS). Japanese FM band is fully supported.TEF6906 facilitates search functions for operation as background tuner. During Alternative Frequency (AF) jumps, signal quality like FM deviation and UltraSonic Noise (USN) can be measured to determine whether alternate frequency is suitable as a new frequency for a primary audio tuner, such as TEF6901A.TEF6906 features a fully integrated FM tuner with double conversion to IF1 = 10.7 MHz and IF2 = 450 kHz with integrated image rejection for both IF1 and IF2. Integrated channel filter with variable bandwidth control is provided, supporting US FM, Europe FM, Japan FM and Eastern Europe FM.The device can be controlled via the fast-mode I2C-bus (400 kHz) and includes autonomous tuning functions for easy control without microcontroller timing. No manual alignments are required.The device is pin compatible and functionally compatible to other TEF690x series devices. However, AM reception and audio processing are not supported on this device.
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